Thursday, November 24, 2011

How can I replace Marathon grass with a more durable kid friendly grass? possibly bermuda?

We live in San Diego and our land lord recently sodded our yard with marathon grass. We hate it. It still is not growing very well and seems very very thin and weak. We can't even walk across the yard without getting muddy. We want to grow it out with bermuda or something more durable and kid friendly. Please help!|||Just buy the type of seed you want and start spreading it. The Bermuda will eventually overtake the Marathon.|||Burmuda is very invasive, meaning it will grow and spread quickly--which is probably what your looking for. And as for durability, burmuda can take a pounding (think of the abuse golf courses take). But there are some things to consider.

Mainly, why is the marathon not growing well? Is enough sun reaching the lawn or are there some thick shade trees blocking the light? Burmuda grass, as well as most all other grasses, love sunlight and won't do too well in heavy shade. That's why you don't see lawn grass in forests.

Also, soil is a huge, huge, huge factor. If the soil isn't in great condition, the plants that collect nourishment from it (including grass) won't do so well. You can look up your county extension office online and they'll give you directions to send a soil sample to them to have tested for just a few bucks. They'll also usually give advise on what to do to your lawn to grow the grass you want. If not, your local nursery will help you decide what you need to do once they can glass at your soil test results.

All in all, you'll want to make sure you give the grass a good start--otherwise marathon, burmuda, centipede, st. augustine, or any other grass won't grow well and thrive.

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